Bollywood star Bobby Deol made a striking comeback with Ranbir Kapoor’s crime drama, Animal. The film had its world theatrical release on December 1, 2023, and went on to gross Rs 917 crore globally, becoming the eighth highest-grossing Indian movie of all time. The film ended with an intriguing lead to its sequel, Animal Park.
In a latest interview, Bobby Deol opened up about Animal Park. Responding to the ongoing speculations about his character, Abrar Haque, being resurrected in the highly anticipated sequel, Bobby said, “I spoke to Sandeep Reddy Vanga the other day to celebrate the film’s anniversary, but I don’t know what’s happening with the sequel. I’m sure it will be made because the audience wants it.”
Bobby went on to say that Animal’s success has changed his life. “It gave me the kind of year I always dreamed of. Wherever I go, I still feel the love and blessings from people. I have been in the industry for 29 years, and I have been given another opportunity, so I have to give it my best. Animal has given me confidence and made me realize that you cannot get carried away with success, you have to respect it,” he added.